Remember me trying to come up with a way to send you free hosiery? I am pleased to say that I am making great progress. I managed to get a dummy page up, with a fake name, fake photo, and fake products. This means that the site will work just fine with real people, real photos, and real products.
It took me a while to test out different sites to see what they are capable of. I wanted to try the services of the e-commerce site that I normally use, but I want to add lots of people to model the hosiery, and this would mean that I would need to pay for that, or that I would need to do things in an user unfriendly way.
If this is your first time reading about this, then let me tell you that if you are willing to model free hosiery for your fans, then comment below. I am currently looking for volunteer models.
The site is coming along. Thank you for reading!
Hahaha! I remember you asking me this over twitter...